Vitally important news for our community: All UK secondary schools can now have free access to a high quality, digital video curriculum for the whole of the Summer Term (and beyond if necessary) for Key Stages 3 and 4. #supportukschools
It won't be the first time you will have heard someone describing these times as challenging, yet it has been inspiring to see how school leaders across our network, and the wider education community, are adapting and developing their work to meet these challenges and ensure our children continue to learn and, most importantly, stay safe.
Full Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 remote curriculum for the Summer Term
The team at By Leaders, for Leaders have been working in collaboration with colleagues from a number of schools to develop a free set of resources that we think you will find invaluable over the coming term.
In partnership with, and delivered by the very best curriculum curators at the Greenshaw Learning Trust, and following well known teaching principles, we are able to freely share with you a full Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 remote curriculum of lessons for years 7–10. Lessons will be released to schools week by week, starting in time for the upcoming Summer Term.
Free access for all UK secondary schools
To help schools deliver these easily, and in a structured way, BeReady, a well established organisation with expertise in remote online learning, has agreed to host the lessons giving free access to all schools in the UK, and their pupils, at absolutely no cost.
To enable this BeReady has rapidly mobilised its free, online, interactive learning platform to meet the urgent needs of UK secondary school leaders, teachers, pupils and parents. It is called SupportUKSchools.
This means that all UK secondary schools can now have free access to a high quality, digital video curriculum for the whole of the Summer Term (and beyond if necessary) for Key Stages 3 and 4 – and at the same time give teachers the robust tools they need to manage pupil activity, performance and individual or group communication, whilst ensuring students are supported and safeguarded.
This is a completely free-to-use platform and free-to-access curriculum. There are no costs to schools whatsoever.
Entire online programme, released week by week
This content is an entire online programme of progressive learning released to cover the full Summer Term curriculum for years 7–10. All lessons follow a similar structure with quizzing for recall, direct video instruction, and prompts for deliberate practice and a final review. The video lessons will be available for all teachers across the UK to use with their pupils after the Easter holidays. Whilst lessons will be released to teachers week by week, we strongly suggest that schools release lessons to pupils on the morning of the day that lessons are planned to be accessed by pupils. This creates a sense of progression and narrative, and is also good safeguarding practice.
There is also an open content library on the platform, so that your teachers are able to share their own lessons with colleagues across the UK.
We often talk of the importance of collaboration at our meetings – collaboration is at the heart of our ‘why’ – sharing ideas, resources and celebrating success. This is no different, following exactly the same principles.
How to access these resources
To get access to the BeReady SupportUKSchools platform and the remote curriculum, here’s what you need to do:
- To request free access to the BeReady SupportUKSchools platform and the free remote curriculum, complete the Schools platform request form, which is online.
- If you have any questions, please direct these in the first instance to Kyle Burrows, Founder & CEO of BeReady on 0783 310 5627, or email kyle.burrows@bereadygroup.org
- Further information is available at the BeReady website (specifically the home page and the SupportUKSchools section).
An FAQs sheet about SupportUKSchools is available on request – please email friends@byleadersforleaders.co.uk with the subject line SupportUKSchools.
If there is anything you are unsure about, do email us and we will do our best to answer your questions.
Our very best wishes as always,
Will and the 'By Leaders, For Leaders’ team